Mitsu Case Update

is here something who trying migrate to GoDaddy ?
I need help :) needs confirmation from GoDaddy and GoDaddy have no request from and also do not know why confirmation is needed.
Godaddy probably has no clue. Dynadot seems to understand what this is all about - it may make sense to try there.
As a relatively small registrar (compared to GoDaddy), Dynadot saw the whole situation as an opportunity to acquire as many of the involved domains as possible. They seem to be well organized and are even running a promotion specifically to transfer these domains.
Today I received an invoice from Dynadot for the domains I'm transferring from Mitsu.
thats a positive step...Dynadot told me 2 days ago that they checked with NIXI and dont see my names there, but offcourse they are there, cuz they are locked and havent been transferred. waiting for another update from dDnadot..nixi already sent me the auth codes and i told Dynadot that also.
thats a positive step...Dynadot told me 2 days ago that they checked with NIXI and dont see my names there, but offcourse they are there, cuz they are locked and havent been transferred. waiting for another update from dDnadot..nixi already sent me the auth codes and i told Dynadot that also.
How many domains do you have with dynadot, I have not yet received any invoice
Yay! Finally the transfer of 69 nice domains is completed. It was a hard struggle.
I moved the domains to NameSilo. They offered me a fair price and did an excellent job during the transfer process.
Happy to have my domains back!
thats a positive step...Dynadot told me days ago that they checked with NIXI and dont see my names there, but offcourse they are there, cuz they are locked and havent been transferred. waiting for another update from dDnadot..nixi already sent me the auth codes and i told Dynadot that also.
I have also received a similar message from Dynadot and I have not received the auth codes from Nixi despite sending them the documents
is here something who trying migrate to GoDaddy ?
I need help :) needs confirmation from GoDaddy and GoDaddy have no request from and also do not know why confirmation is needed.
Just for info: My 4 domains was successfully transfer to GoDaddy, without any other communication with GoDaddy support. I am little surprise, but domains are visible in GoDaddy control panel.
How many domains did you have? I got a reply after talking to Mitsu
30. After Dynadot received confirmation from NIXI the domains had been unlocked, they promptly contacted me and I submitted the order with Auth codes and paying the transfer fee for each domain.


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