Lie detector fitted chairs for politicians.


New Member
Politicians are ruining our country, they are so corrupt and are making our country hollow. India is a rich country-not only financially but rich with hard working manpower. We choose them and then they cheat us with their every damn move. Something need to be done-what steps can be taken to force them to mend their ways. I have an idea -
Indian politicians should be made to sit on the chairs fitted with lie detectors,so that they ooze out what they really mean and we are able to have the right picture in front of our eyes. Have you got some more ideas?
Ha if only! When you take into account the number of lying politicians, there wouldn't be enough lie detector chairs to go round. :eek:
That would be a great invention. Politicians all over the world tell lies and it appears to happen more often here in Asia. I would also like to have such chairs for our local police officers as they are very corrupt.
I think when a person gets hold of some power, tends to get corrupt-that's is not fair at all. It is so sad to see senior officials, who are assigned the most prestigious posts-are corrupt-it is the biggest irony.
Its interesting to see though that its mostly politicians in developing nations that become corrupt and power hungry although I know more then a few people who would put George W Bush and Cheney in that list.


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