KILLER phone domains that will make money


New Member
hey guys,

if these domains are around tomorrow (well the top one anyway) something must be wrong with the world.

its guaranteed MONEY if you do it right = gone (I grabbed it)

not as good but needed as many people LOVE smart phones running android

as you all know the telco's like to lock the phones to a network, and people are wanting to unlock them

and to get ready for 4g smart phones

just the adsense when iphone 5 comes out is good enough


* if you grab them? say helps me deliver the goods and not buy them myself
** I will even swap back links if you develop as I own unlockiphone5free .c*m / unlocksamsunggalaxy c*m
Last edited by a moderator: has been purchased by myself.

i did give the opportunity for others to grab, im shocked.

just look at the amount of sites offering unlocking services.....the keyword domain is a money maker.
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Hi MrChris, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I think the reason for those being available is they are TM-infringing domains. Nobody of us domainers should have such names in their portfolio as it is what gives the industry the negative connotation.
its a vaild point
I have beaten 'Visa' in the past on the exact same grounds i am using for the iphone unlocking.
(its all about using the domain in 'bad faith' which clearly this does not)

apple to be honest dont really give 2 hoots as a simple 'unlock iphone' search will show.

even google are allowing adwords positions for iphone keyword domains.
therefore google are more at risk by making a profit if i used your logic on this.
honestly google are worth chasing but it seems they are safe......if your promoting 'tm infringements'? then that is called 'racketeering'

ok lets have a look at 'aaa'
did you know that it tm'ed? (american automobile association)

I do use test canaries to see the risk, and for YEARS iphone???unlocking c*m sites have been going strong.

its simply offering a service to 'unlock the iphone' not sell or mimic apple website in any way shape or form.

I could debate this for hours and we both would come up with valid points and reasons......honestly apple dont care 1 bit
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Hi MrChris, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I think the reason for those being available is they are TM-infringing domains. Nobody of us domainers should have such names in their portfolio as it is what gives the industry the negative connotation.

to be honest, what gives domainers a bad rep is 'cybersquatters' which 50% of domainers are guilty of.

I simply build up the business and sell it off for a profit rather than sitting on a domain waiting for a sale.

yes apple did snatch but anything with an 'i' in front would also infringe on tm as 'i' simply means internet which was first coined for 'i' mac, then 'i' pod.
so you would have to come up with a very good story to protect yourself against it.

also heres a very obscure one 'milkshake' did you know milkshake carries a tm
if you market a product that carries the word 'milkshake' you MUST pay royalties

dcma (U.S gov)

dcma (clothing)

i can go on for days and days with this and im not legally trained.
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