Israel now owns .ir?
Terrorism victims sue to seize Iran's ccTLD

Victims of terrorism from Israel and the United States have moved to attach and seize the Internet licenses, contractual rights and domain names being provided by the United States to the extremist regime in Tehran.

If the case is successful, the case would mean countries such as North Korea and Syria could lose control of their ccTLDs.
This would be a big blow to the Internet presence of these countries.
"The Iranians must be shown that there is a steep price to be paid for their sponsorship of terrorism. In business and legal terms it is quite simple- we are owed money and these assets are currency worth money." said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Tel-Aviv, Israel.
I completely support you indy...over this perspective.
Why should the common people face because of some of the anti-social elements in the society!!
Iran is the most demonized country in the western mass-media. No doubt there should be be no place for terrorism in the world, but that also applies to Israel.


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