India's divorce rate is rising


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The divorce rate in India is still quite low when compared to, say, the United States. It seems that while not everyone is accepting of divorce, some attitudes are changing:

In a crowded courtroom on the city's outskirts, the once unthinkable is reality: dozens of couples - rich and poor, educated and barely literate - seek divorce for reasons as varied as domestic violence to a simple inability to live together.

Just a decade ago, divorce was a dirty word in socially conservative India. The fear of social isolation, a sense of duty to extended families - who likely arranged the marriage in the first place - and financial dependence put nearly unbearable pressure on couples to stay together.
But as the economy has boomed, the rigid boundaries governing traditional Indian life are beginning to fall, especially among the growing urban middle class. Dating among twentysomethings is growing popular, love matches (as opposed to arranged marriages) don't provoke the family scandals they once did and divorce is no longer out of bounds.
You can read the full article here.

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Here are some divorce rates by country.


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