.cloud sales
.shop sales
.surf sales
jetski.shop sale
raymond hackney
splunk.cloud sale
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
x.surf sale
'new tld' dn sales
'ntld' dn sales
.cloud dn sales
insight.cloud sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of DN Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
RAYMOND >> "In our interview with Rick Schwartz he said he received a $10,000 offer for Rigged.us a domain he handregged."
.IN Sales: None
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales:
CO.CLUB $5,655 | NY.CLUB...
co.club sale
emag.online sale
immersive.video sale
la.club sale
ny.club sale
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
uk.club sale
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
.AE: GoFundMe.AE $3,400
(.AE is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for the 'United Arab Emirates')
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales:
DJ.CLUB $7,200 | Flüge.SHOP EUR 5K (approx. US$5,520) |...
'new tld' dn sales
21.club sale
dj.club sale
flüge.shop sale
fx.club sale
new tlds
ntld sales
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
.KR: StarWorld.KR $3,000 | Betway.KR EUR 2K (approx. US$2,238)
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales:
Celebration.CHURCH $18,000
(Another case of a 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sale beating...
'new tld' dn sales
'ntld' dn sales
777.club dn sale
celebration.church dn sale
i.club dn sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
sedo sales
'new tld' dn sales
'ntld' dn sales
new tlds
raymond hackney
sedo sales
sedo.comsedo.com sales
the weely list of the sedo.com dn sales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: Cycle.IN $16,500 ( approx. INR 1,105,088 / 11.06 'Lakhs' )
(A .IN Tops the List of ccTLD Sales!! (I cannot remember if/when that last happened.))
'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: None
Top ccTLD...
.in dn sales
.in sales
a .in tops the sedo.com weekly list of cctld sales
cycle.in sale
raymond hackney
sedo sales
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
'new tld' dn sales
.in dn sales
ambience.in dn sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
tire.in dn sale
Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >>
.IN Sales: None
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales: BAM.TECH $15,000 ( via SEDO.com )
CUL.TECH / DMA.TECH $1,688 Each ( Both via Brand.DIRECT )
Like.BIKE $1.6K ( via Fancy.DOMAINS )...
'new tld' dn sales
'ntld' dn sales
bam.tech dn sale
dave evanson
new tlds
ron jackson
sedo.comsedo.com brokers
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
(Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016)
.IN Sales: None | .US: BitcoinCasino.US $3,500
Top SALE ('Tie') / Top New TLD' / 'nTLD': BAM.TECH $15,000
Top SALE ('Tie') / Top .COM: LAHA.com $15,000...
'new tld' dn sales
'ntld' dn sales
.tech sales
bam.tech dn sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
'new tld' dn sales
.in sales
devlok.com sale
india-related dn sales
kim.in sale
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
yogaeverday.com sale
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
Other India-related Sales: ChitFunds.com $4,000
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chit_fund excerpt:
A Chit fund is a kind of savings scheme practiced in India. A chit fund company is...
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: Moo.IN $3,000
Other India-related Sales: ARTIKA.com $2,000 ('Elder Sister' in Hindi / Sanskrit)
.LA: X.LA GBP 6,000 (approx. US$7,767)
.BR: Circus.COM.BR $2,500 (.BR is the ccTLD...
.br sales
.in sales
.la sales
artika.com sale
india-related sales
moo.in sale
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dn sales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
Other India-related Sales: RedBUS.CC $2,300 (Was this bought by RedBUS.IN of India??)
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales: None
Average Transaction...
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
.AE: Label.AE $4,100
(.AE is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for The United Arab Emirates)
.JP: Craft.JP $3,250 (.JP is the ccTLD for Japan)
New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: Xiu.CLUB...
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
Other India-related Sales: 15.ooo (3 x the letter 'o') $3,000
(The Registry Owner/Operator of .ooo is India-based eCommerce firm Infibeam)
(This is the first sale of a .ooo...