
  1. anquest

    WAN.XYZ Sells @ $4,999 / 11.ooo @ $3K / VR.DATING @ $2.5K | The DN Journal TOP 20 Sales

    Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly TOP 20 Sales ( dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm ) >> RON: "In addition to our latest weekly chart we also just published our first Year to Date Top Sales Chart of 2016 and four of the top five sales on that list are 3-letter .coms." -------- .IN Sales...
  2. anquest

    Fashion.FASHION Sells@$4K, Kreuzfahrten.ONLINE EUR 2.8K (appx US$3K), Home.CLINIC $2.5K

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Michael Berkens / TheDomains.com ) >> .IN Sales: None 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: Fashion.FASHION $4,000 | Kreuzfahrten.ONLINE EUR 2,800 (approx. US$3,063) | Home.CLINIC $2,478 Top ccTLD: 7.GG EUR 40,500 (appx. US$44,303) / (.GG...
  3. anquest

    Boutique.BOUTIQUE Sells @ $7K / 111.CLUB $5.32K / 666.CLUB $3.6K | The SEDO List of Sales

    The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >> Raymond >> "Remember Sedo has changed their report for sales of $2,000 and above and no longer show those sales that were as low as $700." .IN Sales: None | .CN: AidaCruises.CN EUR3,999 (approx. US$...

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