'new tld' dnsales
.nyc dnsales
apartments.nyc sale
condos.nyc sale
new tlds
realestate.nyc sale
ron jackson
the dnjournal weekly list of the top 20 sales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: TV.CLUB $2,205
Top ccTLD: Ruedas.COM.AR EUR 5,999 (approx. US$6,672)
(.AR is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for Argentina)
(First time I've seen a...
'new tld' dnsales
.ar sales
.club dnsales
raymond hackney
ruedas.com.ar sale
the sedo.com weekly list of dnsales
tv.club sale
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
.cloud dnsalesdnjournal.com
insight.cloud sale
new tlds
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
.cloud dnsales
insight.cloud sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dnsales
'new tld' dnsales
co.club sale
la.club sale
new tlds
ny.club sale
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
tip.club sale
uk.club sale
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
cloud.top sale
new tlds
ron jackson
the dnjournal weekly list of the top 20 sales
vpn.top sale
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
.AE: GoFundMe.AE $3,400
(.AE is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for the 'United Arab Emirates')
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales:
DJ.CLUB $7,200 | Flüge.SHOP EUR 5K (approx. US$5,520) |...
'new tld' dnsales
21.club sale
dj.club sale
flüge.shop sale
fx.club sale
new tlds
ntld sales
raymond hackney
the sedo.com weekly list of dnsales
Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >>
"Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 19, 2016 - Sun. Sept. 25, 2016"
RON >>
"Sedo teamed up with Michael Mann's DomainMarket to fill the runner-up slot with PersonalPlanner.com at...
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' sales
777.club dn sale
celebration.church dn sale
i.club dn sale
new tlds
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
z.live dn sale
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
.KR: StarWorld.KR $3,000 | Betway.KR EUR 2K (approx. US$2,238)
'New TLD'/'nTLD' Sales:
Celebration.CHURCH $18,000
(Another case of a 'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sale beating...
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
777.club dn sale
celebration.church dn sale
i.club dn sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
sedo sales
'new tld' dnsalesdnjournal.com
park.guide sale
resort.guide sale
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
vacation.guide sale
Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List (x 2 Weeks of Sales Data) of the TOP 20 Sales >>
dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >>
"Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Sept. 5, 2016 - Sun. Sept. 18, 2016"
A Great 'FLIP' By Michael Mann...
'new tld' dnsales
dn flips
india-related dnsales
india-related sales
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
new tlds
raymond hackney
sedo sales
sedo.com sales
the weely list of the sedo.com dnsales
The SEDO.com Weekly List of Sales ( via Raymond Hackney / TheDomains.com ) >>
.IN Sales: None
.ZA: GFI.CO.ZA $3,500 (.ZA is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for South Africa)
'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales: BAU.HAUS $5,000
NCL.FOREX $2,250
RAYMOND >> "There was a .forex sale"..."this...
'new tld' dnsales
.forex dnsales
.haus dnsales
bau.haus sale
new tlds
raymond hackney
sedo sales
the sedo.com weekly list of dnsales
Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >>
"Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Aug. 29, 2016 - Sun. Sept. 4, 2016"
.IN Sales: None
.ZA: TimeShares.CO.ZA $3,000 ( via SEDO.com )
(.ZA is the ccTLD / 'Country Code TLD' for...
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
.beer dnsales
beer.beer sale
new tlds
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >>
("Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Aug. 15, 2016 - Sun. Aug. 21, 2016")
.IN Sales: None
Other India-related Sales: SUNIL.com $7,750 ( via SnapNames.com )
(Made it to RANK #14...
'new tld' dnsales
'ntld' dnsales
.club dnsales
diamonds.club dn sale
india-related dnsales
new tlds
ron jackson
sunil.com dn sale
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales
Ron Jackson >> The DN Journal Weekly List of the TOP 20 Sales >> dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm >>
(Mon. Aug. 8, 2016 - Sun. Aug. 14, 2016)
.IN Sales: None
'New TLD' / 'nTLD' Sales:
Co.LTD $115,000 (via DONUTS Inc. ( donuts.domains / donuts.co ))
Lotto.INTERNATIONAL $5K ( via...
'new tld' dnsales
.co.ltd sale
.horse dnsales
.international dnsales
.ltd dnsales
.xyz dnsalesdnjournal.com
donuts inc
ron jackson
the dn journal weekly list of the top 20 sales