Domain name relationship


New Member
I think so the domain plays a vital role in developing the business. It can be very good if the domain is about the product or business they are going to be involved in. So that it might be easy for the remembrance. But some people argue that it is not true. Take the example of and What is the relation of domain. I feel like these companies are already branded. But my point will be valid for a new comer.
A domain name is not a panacea, but if a company has a good one, it can significantly reduce the costs of the company's branding and marketing - so over time, it pays for itself.

There are lots of other advantages - a good domain name builds credibility. For instance, if a company owns, then that conveys the message that they are a leader in that product's field in India.
Like before I don't agree with this one. Most companies like to brand themselves either with their company name or their brand name and its true world over.

Using a secondary domain name that ultimately forwards visitors to original website is a good idea but developing content in name of products is not much useful.


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