NIXI - Release domains at de-accredited registrar MITSU!


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Hello IN Domain Owners!

I just started the petition "NIXI:Release domains at de-accredited registrar MITSU" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Given the inaction over the last year and several conversations with friends in this industry who are frustrated by this situation, I thought we could try this one novel idea before you guys band together for legal recourse your self! If we get all who are affected by signing up for this and spreading the word we could get NIXI to perhaps take action on your behalf!

My goal is to reach 100 signatures and I need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


PS: I am not impacted however I am hoping this works and is helpful for some of you at least! There are many success stories you must have heard of on use of this petition platform, we could also get a show of hands on how many domain owners are impacted and effect positive change! This petition does not intend to nor interfere with the matter that is sub-judice nor place any blame on parties involved in litigation. This petition is intended to raise awareness and bring relief to thousands of domain owners caught in this fiasco.
@Jeff thanks - this is a litmus test for those suffering for a year! I hope more sign the petition and also share it on their social media networks, urge their fellow domain owners to sign it so that we can at least make one formal representation to NIXI - a unified show of strength around this common concern should help!
Great initiative thanks for doing this.

Since then several domain name owners (registrants) ..

Surely this is affecting more than several registrants? There must be hundreds even thousands of people that registered .in and with mitsu?
Great initiative thanks for doing this.

Since then several domain name owners (registrants) ..

Surely this is affecting more than several registrants? There must be hundreds even thousands of people that registered .in and with mitsu?
Most do not use inforum
Presumably the petition isn't just for users of this forum. I just thought the word several used in the petition didn't reflect the true impact any anyone reading it might report that, or chose not to report it because of that, whereas in actual fact the impact is more significant. Just something that struck me but thank you again for taking the initiative.

I too don't know where all these mitsu registrants are because I can't believe that this has gone on for so long without agitation. I really don't understand it.
We have 10 signatures and need a few more - so please share this in your network and social handles, IN related Whatspp or FB groups etc.
No one in my social network knows about .in domains, many early .in domain investors are isolated
I had written to, it has not covered the news. Most high profile indian blogs are not likely to cover the Mitsu NIXI story because the unofficial censorship levels in India are higher than China


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