WTB- A couple 2005 Landrush .in domains

Do you know that more than half the World Lives on

Americans constitute 5% of the world's population but consume 24% of the world's energy. If the whole world consumed at the same rate as the US, four complete planets the size of the Earth would be required.

Imagine the ecological disaster that would follow if everyone follows the American way?

Everyone can't follow the "American Way" because we consume in proportion to what we produce.

Protip (since you apparently haven't figured this out on your own).

Calculate what portion of American GDP is in relation to the global GDP (hint- it's grossly disproportionate to any other nation on earth)...

Then, relate THAT figure to our consumption patterns.

See if you can't draw a parallel between one and the other.

Do what we do, you consume what we consume.
Americans do not have capacity to work on their own.. that's why they depend on other countries for everything :)

LOL, see this.. " + artTitle.replace("-","") + " - " + "The Daily Campus" + " - " + "Commentary" + "

LOL. Yeah. Great conclusion there, Einstein.

Actually i Googled "USA sucks" :) Mr. Einstein

US = United States
USA = United States of America

You cant Own Us ;) You can Own USA :D


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