Unlimited hosting



Active Member
Do you always buy into those hosting companies that claim to have unlimited hosting plans? What this means is that you get unlimited data transfer, disk storage and addon domain name capacity. I have come across articles that claim that nothing is ever unlimited. How true is this?
I have found that with a of the hosting companies who claim to have unlimited data, they have a bunch of hidden fees or a lot of glitches. I don't think that every site that offers it is untruthful, but a lot are.
From what I know, the term 'unlimited' doesn't exist. Anyone should always check limits in the Terms and Conditions. For instance, when talking about transfers, the port speed may be throttled, leading to a reduced amount of data that can be transferred. In essence, anyone should always check well before getting into such plans.
My guess is that you'll end up throttled just as you do with most unlimited cell phone data plans. The hosting company can slow your website to a crawl if it believes you are using too much. A slow website will anger your audience base, so you'll pay for faster speeds or remove some of your website features to make it load more quickly. I'm just speculating here.
Do you always buy into those hosting companies that claim to have unlimited hosting plans? What this means is that you get unlimited data transfer, disk storage and addon domain name capacity. I have come across articles that claim that nothing is ever unlimited. How true is this?

In Shared Hosting, Mostly all Hosting Provider gives you Unlimited Hosting Plan with lots of T&C which we rarely read.

Typically, In shared hosting, they accommodate lots of (thousands) websites on the same server. All the resources of the server like RAM, Bandwidth, etc is shared between all the websites. So, according to most of the shared hosting T&C, You are limited to use some specific no. of maximum resources in pick time.
They also have the restriction to fire nos. of SQL queries per Second. (Differs according to the provider.)

And common condition with all the providers is this account must be used by single person/company for all of their sites. But generally, they don't bother you with this condition as far as you are out of the radar.

In conclusion, This Unlimited Hosting is really a good option if you have lots of static websites!!
But if you are planning to take some online test/quiz where more than 20-30 people will give the exam at the same time, then you will stuck!
@Nishith, thanks so much for that information. Most people don't bother about reading the T&Cs but I now see why it's so important to do that. Is it still possible that there are web hosting companies that only ride on the term 'unlimited' when they don't offer it in the first place?
@Nishith, thanks so much for that information. Most people don't bother about reading the T&Cs but I now see why it's so important to do that. Is it still possible that there are web hosting companies that only ride on the term 'unlimited' when they don't offer it in the first place?

Yes, It's like that they offer you Unlimited Space, But what will you host and what will be the largest size of your fully developed website? As in Unlimited Hosting, they have restrictions like you can not use the hosting for personal file storage, as image/file sharing website, etc. Any Good Wordpress Blog can't exceed aroud 100-150MBs (depending Graphics) as per my experience.
And when you have good traffic, you surely need to move to the VPS / Dedicated Server / Cloud / Etc.


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