.BHARAT is coming for IDN

This offering is of domain on .bharat is somewhat not misleading but not well presented and detailed also we did our own investigation and found that : (READ TILL END)

To understand the catch of this TLD you require to know how internet DNS system work ? Currently whenever you type url in browser your browser looks for Number (IP assigned) to that particular website for that first it looks in your computer catche or in HOST file then if browser does not find answer here, then it goes to ISP level to find answers from catche but if fails here then it goes to nearest located ROOT SERVER , this root servers setup are done by ISP's. This ROOt SERVER (according to tld you typed in browser) sends you to Registry of particular TLD (but these roots are not having any entry of TLD's issued by INAIC including .bharat, detailed below ) and browser then takes IP of your website and resolves on your computer. (This is what currently 99.99% computer is using and this ROOT are called ICANN ROOT).

Now for PUBLIC ROOT , they want that ISP should query their root instead of ICANN root so then can direct the user to such tld's called .bharat. If at ISP level they are not getting support then they are saying to end user to change settings in their computer so end user computer can query publick root and their TLD's can resolve.

So getting traffic on such tld's are extremely difficult or say almost NIL. And these TLD's are not supported by any browser or computer currently, such kind of attempts are done since 1999 by several companies but that is another story.

Details of PUBLIC ROOT:

There is a website called The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) ( The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) ) which is the official representative body for Public-Root, their tag line is "the next generation global Internet". The INAIC is an international, not-for-profit, service agency organized and dedicated to the maintenance of public information resources that facilitate the coordination and resolution of global Top-Level Domain names through the Public-Root server system.

When we go to link : The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) , we can find ICANN and IANA logo's (which does not mean that they are the part of this body- it only says that these body's are doing what ) and details there. and some appointed registrars are offering Public TLDs (pTLDs) & Corporate TLDs (cTLDs) to the public openly in USD 1000.

See this link : The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) (you can check ownership of .bharat here)

Only catch we found in that is the TLD's register by them is currently resolving to PUBLIC ROOT only and majority of computers (almost 99.99%) in the world are currently using ICANN root as explained above, but just adding a IP in your computer or at ISP level you are open to that public root and all TLD's register by them and by ICANN is open to all. It seems that such organization come up as an alternate to ICANN Non profit organization. (Public-Root)

Currently Public Root is not supported by ISP , details of these roots can be found here : Public Top Level Domains

So essence of this is if we register any domain on this public root tld's then it has less then .01% possibilites that a regular user can open the same on his/her computer.

Such TLD's are not supported by any Internet Service Providers.
extremely good post,
adds to the scepticism of new public tlds and ctlds,

almost like a blackberry analogy of messaging in its exclusivity (not very good comparision though !)

so is there any possibility of it getting into the ICANN root at all ,in th e future? or does it mean that it will require different computers that directly searches cache of INAIC and not ICANN?

This offering is of domain on .bharat is somewhat not misleading but not well presented and detailed also we did our own investigation and found that : (READ TILL END)

To understand the catch of this TLD you require to know how internet DNS system work ? Currently whenever you type url in browser your browser looks for Number (IP assigned) to that particular website for that first it looks in your computer catche or in HOST file then if browser does not find answer here, then it goes to ISP level to find answers from catche but if fails here then it goes to nearest located ROOT SERVER , this root servers setup are done by ISP's. This ROOt SERVER (according to tld you typed in browser) sends you to Registry of particular TLD (but these roots are not having any entry of TLD's issued by INAIC including .bharat, detailed below ) and browser then takes IP of your website and resolves on your computer. (This is what currently 99.99% computer is using and this ROOT are called ICANN ROOT).

Now for PUBLIC ROOT , they want that ISP should query their root instead of ICANN root so then can direct the user to such tld's called .bharat. If at ISP level they are not getting support then they are saying to end user to change settings in their computer so end user computer can query publick root and their TLD's can resolve.

So getting traffic on such tld's are extremely difficult or say almost NIL. And these TLD's are not supported by any browser or computer currently, such kind of attempts are done since 1999 by several companies but that is another story.

Details of PUBLIC ROOT:

There is a website called The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) ( The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) ) which is the official representative body for Public-Root, their tag line is "the next generation global Internet". The INAIC is an international, not-for-profit, service agency organized and dedicated to the maintenance of public information resources that facilitate the coordination and resolution of global Top-Level Domain names through the Public-Root server system.

When we go to link : The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) , we can find ICANN and IANA logo's (which does not mean that they are the part of this body- it only says that these body's are doing what ) and details there. and some appointed registrars are offering Public TLDs (pTLDs) & Corporate TLDs (cTLDs) to the public openly in USD 1000.

See this link : The Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC) (you can check ownership of .bharat here)

Only catch we found in that is the TLD's register by them is currently resolving to PUBLIC ROOT only and majority of computers (almost 99.99%) in the world are currently using ICANN root as explained above, but just adding a IP in your computer or at ISP level you are open to that public root and all TLD's register by them and by ICANN is open to all. It seems that such organization come up as an alternate to ICANN Non profit organization. (Public-Root)

Currently Public Root is not supported by ISP , details of these roots can be found here : Public Top Level Domains

So essence of this is if we register any domain on this public root tld's then it has less then .01% possibilites that a regular user can open the same on his/her computer.

Such TLD's are not supported by any Internet Service Providers.
Dear all,

we dont need to discrage about Internet2, bcz in onlden days intenet is use by 100s and 1000s and later millions and now billions.

Internet2 definately be success and .BHARAT will be big success in comming days,
its only simple thing to do just click a button of software it will automatically installs the software on your computer then u can see whole Internet that means internet + internet2 public root,

if people are not aware of it we will give awareness to ISPs so that they will update their servers quickly, once IPV6 comes they must need to updage their servers.

i really not sure 100% but public root will be accessable from windows7 if that is the case we dont need to worry about ISPs bcz it will automatically done in 1 year time.

i love Windows 7 its a wonderful operating system, we can run vista on it, we can run xp on it and many more all we have to do is just give the key and activate the corresponding operating system on windows 7.

if u have time pls test the follwoing sites in windows 7 and let me know weather u can see these websites on windows 7.

www.movie.city if this website is comming on windows7 that means .BHarat will come on all windows 7.

problem is not everyone will have win7 , as OS will be running on older software in lot of computers , especially true for some ,
now gtlds like .city or if .bharat is so , that too,
suffers from its exclusivity of users and maybe can be a great corporate site ,where PCs runni ng that particular software or apps to access the IANAC root will allow the site to be accessed,
however for the lesser sophisticated or generic (!) user , (Majority ,read Vast Majority)
such gtlds would be more like, a .in domain investor ,having a domain like website.in in their portfolio, just a thought or wish !
the internet may be opening in a rather fractitious way and regarding such gtlds , one may be a bit wary ,especially in the near future ,
would come as a surprise if such gtlds became popular or were adapted for wider use,;)
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