Older Hosting Sites



Hey everyone, are there any good hosting sites that have been around for a while? (I am aware that blogger has been around for a while.)
if you're looking for something free that builds the site for you like blogger, then there's wordpress.com or wix or weebly or tumblr. They'll provide the hosting and you can point a domain at it and put ads on some of them.
Hey Roshni, thanks for the response. I've tried all of these except tumblr before. I actually forgot that you can use tumblr for blogs and such.
It is very natural and understandable to go for the older hosting sites because longevity means reliability in a way. @Roshni, amongst the three, which one would you rank as the best?
For me, it's always wordpress.com out of the three. It has all the add-ons and plugins, and lots of free premade themes. I never got on with tumblr, but they are better about having ads on them. They are free, so why not try them and see what works for you?
Roshni, I agree that wordpress is definitely the best when it comes to add-ons and plugins. There are a lot more options when it comes to wordpress.
For me, it's always wordpress.com out of the three. It has all the add-ons and plugins, and lots of free premade themes. I never got on with tumblr, but they are better about having ads on them. They are free, so why not try them and see what works for you?
I'd agree with you because most of my friends are bloggers and they use wordpress.com. Except for its interface (which looks very basic to me) I think it ranks highest amongst the rest.
I'd agree with you because most of my friends are bloggers and they use wordpress.com. Except for its interface (which looks very basic to me) I think it ranks highest amongst the rest.
I think that maybe more people used to use blogger, because it was the most obvious choice for blogging. However, now that there are sites like wordpress.com, people tend to gravitate toward those.
Overall, I think longevity alone doesn't matter as such; reliability and consistency matter more. Among the three, my obvious choice would be WordPress just because I'm now so used to it.
Marsh, I agree that the quality of the website matters more than the age. I think a lot of people prefer WordPress these days and that eventually it will be the top sit for hosting without any competition.
It is understandable for people to want to go with the older hosting sites because they seem more reliable, reputable and stable. I am quite familiar with WordPress and I think it is also popular with a lot of folks.


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