LLL.in whole sale prices... worth a great discussion



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LLL.com whole sale prices specially Chinese premiums are reached 50K USD.. source : http://www.thedomains.com/2015/11/0...w-wholesale-on-chinese-lll-com-is-around-50k/

What are the LLL.in floor prices? Worth start discussing on the same.. perhaps some of us without knowing the value and corrections happened in recent times selling much lower than whole sale prices. An open conversation on this one certainly a worth a ton ...

Myopinion .. LLL.in are most sought after by Indian end users, as a result they are always the great names. We have seen several sales already above few thousand dollars per name ( off-course many unreported sales too).. Assuming .com is 50K as a whole sale.. even if its 100th of it is 500 USD...

Are LLL.in are selling on average 500 USD in re-seller market? Nope , not at all up to my knowledge... I knew clearly we cant compare against .com but the sales reported are clearly comparable and looking better..

per example recently FCV.in sold for 7K USD.. 100 times to 7k is 700,000 USD. Any LLL.com sale over 700000 USD is certainly considered as a great sale... this example only for analogy reasons..

even in worst case , they should worth $250 as a floor price? Which is only 200th floor price of good lll.com..

Please post what ever you think? there is nothing right or wrong.. just share your opinion , it benefits many new comers looking for info every day..
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Triple premium LLL.ins don't seem to hit the reseller market nowadays (with the obvious exception of DAA.IN currently on auction at Sedo (and surprisingly still at $150!)), but I would have thought minimum reseller price should be around $250+ as you suggested. Noone should be selling triple premiums for less than $1500 USD to an enduser in my opinion and, even then, as @twhois recently showed with the sale of FCV.in, we could probably price and negotiate much more aggressively than a $1500 floor price.

LLL.in's future is certainly bright, I remember the good old days when you could buy a cracking triple premium for a mere $50 and that was only 5 years ago! If past trends continue that dreamy $500 USD floor price could be just around the corner – I certainly hope so!
I hope the DAA.in will go for a decent price too.. i hope its too early, i am expecting few bids in the last minute for sure.. I hope premium names should reach $500 USD floor price in 6 months to 1 year time
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For the best LLL.in, I think the reseller floor price of $500 is reached. We saw this recently with the great sale of GIF.in on this forum for $800. Regarding the case of DAA.in, there is now a second bidder and the price is $160: let's hope a bidding war at the end of the auction :)

Regarding my LLL.in, I prefer to lose an easy end-user deal than underselling. And underselling is below $1500 IMHO.
Well Said, i couldnt agree more.. selling a good lll.in below $1500 USD to an end user is underselling for sure..

How much you believe QQR.in is worth.. ( its not my name).. Just to appraise the value from reseller point of view.. this is a chinese premium name...
Well Said, i couldnt agree more.. selling a good lll.in below $1500 USD to an end user is underselling for sure..

How much you believe QQR.in is worth.. ( its not my name).. Just to appraise the value from reseller point of view.. this is a chinese premium name...

If I had to sell it here, I'll put a fixed price of $250, knowing that there will be a negotiation in PM. And I will not go below $180 after negotiation. I agree it's Chinese (very) premium, but I don't price my LLL.in according to this criteria, since I don't see Chinese impact on LLL.in names for now (but I can be totally wrong).
Almost 11% of the LLL.in portfolio owned by the investors with the country code as China ... which are almost close to 1550 names , the same is growing day by day .. You can generate the same stats you have generated few days before.. perhaps you may have the closer numbers on the same... I think there is enough impact on LLL.in names from chinese investors... as the same has grown from 2% to 11% in less than a year time which is certianly a lot.
DAA.in at 220 USD... There is a competition , this name certainly worth more than where it is.. 6 more hours to go..

Bidder 4 2015-11-10 14:17 CET 220 USD

Bidder 2 2015-11-10 00:04 CET 180 USD

Bidder 3 2015-11-10 00:04 CET 170 USD

Bidder 2 2015-11-09 21:48 CET 160 USD

Bidder 1 2015-11-05 22:09 CET 150 USD

If you come across any other such sales happening any other platforms , please post here.. this help to gauge the wholeprices of lll.in market..
I request active contribution from every one.. I have reached out to few members on this forum they have sold premium names at lower prices without knowing the actual worth .. after reading this thread they feeling little bad why they have sold premium name lll.in names at lower prices.. We should keep posting on the floor prices time to time to under the market trend..
thank you.
I appreciate everyone's input on this important subject. I agree that triple premiums are worth approx. $2K(give or take a few hundred dollars) to end users. If end users cant pay that, it is simply wise to move on and not complete the transaction with them. But what about LLL.in floor prices for resellers and on forums? In my STRONG honest opinion, i dont believe even double premium LLL.ins are worth less than $50-$100 to anybody. Some people come on forums and think because they posted in the "domains wanted" thread they can determine the price and desperate/naive sellers will rush to them with double and single premium LLL.in domains. Lets be honest, the only reason someone can sell any LLL>in for $30 for example is because they either just caught the name on a drop(so profit is easy to see at that price) OR they are divesting and dont care about profit(so sell for a loss to rid themselves of the assets). Why do i say any LLL.in is worth between 50 and 100 USD? Well because the .in scene is already setup fully and loose valuable domains are just not available anymore. drop catchers are out of business!(for the most part). Supply of LLL.in has sharply tightened up so IMO its simply and gravely naive for anyone to sell any LLL.in for less than 50-100usd. These names are already worth anywhere from $300 to $2K for end users so what sense is there to sell them for $30? Afterall, these buyers at $30 go on to sell these same LLL>in domains for high $x,xxx on the aftermarket. whose the fool? Then what about NNN.ins on the forums? I am not trying to insult anyone here...i respect evryone's decision to buy and sell at any price they want, but i want ot give my opinion because its available for me to do here- It is once again supremely naive for anyone to sell any NNN.in for less than 150-250 USD> why? the supply is gone AND we know price hikes are coming because they are currently rare and getting rarer fast AND the numeric hot trend hitting the domain market will soon hit NNN.ins. If you are going to sell your NNN.in for $30 or $50 then you might as well donate it to charity because you just sold a gem for the price of corn. Because we are all domainers doesnt mean we should not respect the value of what we are all holding. No matter where you inquire or make on offer, i think its fair and good business to make sure you'r offer price reflects your respect for the person losing the VALUE of the short .in domain(s) the person is letting go of.The game is really on, and all i'm doing now is renew renew renew. Those hoping to drop cattch my names will have to wait till at least 2017.

And thats my opinion...phew.

good luck everyone.
I appreciate everyone's input on this important subject. I agree that triple premiums are worth approx. $2K(give or take a few hundred dollars) to end users. If end users cant pay that, it is simply wise to move on and not complete the transaction with them. But what about LLL.in floor prices for resellers and on forums? In my STRONG honest opinion, i dont believe even double premium LLL.ins are worth less than $50-$100 to anybody. Some people come on forums and think because they posted in the "domains wanted" thread they can determine the price and desperate/naive sellers will rush to them with double and single premium LLL.in domains. Lets be honest, the only reason someone can sell any LLL>in for $30 for example is because they either just caught the name on a drop(so profit is easy to see at that price) OR they are divesting and dont care about profit(so sell for a loss to rid themselves of the assets). Why do i say any LLL.in is worth between 50 and 100 USD? Well because the .in scene is already setup fully and loose valuable domains are just not available anymore. drop catchers are out of business!(for the most part). Supply of LLL.in has sharply tightened up so IMO its simply and gravely naive for anyone to sell any LLL.in for less than 50-100usd. These names are already worth anywhere from $300 to $2K for end users so what sense is there to sell them for $30? Afterall, these buyers at $30 go on to sell these same LLL>in domains for high $x,xxx on the aftermarket. whose the fool? Then what about NNN.ins on the forums? I am not trying to insult anyone here...i respect evryone's decision to buy and sell at any price they want, but i want ot give my opinion because its available for me to do here- It is once again supremely naive for anyone to sell any NNN.in for less than 150-250 USD> why? the supply is gone AND we know price hikes are coming because they are currently rare and getting rarer fast AND the numeric hot trend hitting the domain market will soon hit NNN.ins. If you are going to sell your NNN.in for $30 or $50 then you might as well donate it to charity because you just sold a gem for the price of corn. Because we are all domainers doesnt mean we should not respect the value of what we are all holding. No matter where you inquire or make on offer, i think its fair and good business to make sure you'r offer price reflects your respect for the person losing the VALUE of the short .in domain(s) the person is letting go of.The game is really on, and all i'm doing now is renew renew renew. Those hoping to drop cattch my names will have to wait till at least 2017.

And thats my opinion...phew.

good luck everyone.

LLL.in King , great post . the important thing here is expressing what you believe in and you have expressed that in a very open and honest way.. Really well done..

Please keep posting the news on lll.in , todays drop catches ( 24 LLL.in) are grabbed with in secs of dropping which is beyond expectations of many members on this forum.. I really see a great future for .In and specially lll.in

P.s: i have not seen 24 lll.in dropping on the same day in last 6 months time, perhaps its one of the exceptional day....
To buttress my point about how vast majority of LLL.ins are already worth 50-100 USD each, look at this:
A guy on another the other popular domain forum confirmed yesterday that he "sold" 14 LLL.co domains to resellers and the lowest price for any was about $100 so he rightfully confirmed that in the reseller market, LLL.cos floor prices are about $100 each(after this he declared he isnt selling anymore LLL.co to fellow domainers..cuz he knows doing that is underselling now). But LLL.in and LLL.co have similar values(i dont believe any has more than 5% more value than the other) so if floor price for resellers on forums for LLL.co is $100, then i believe i am correct that most LLL.in floor price should be minimum $70 or $80! Now thats work! Always remember that if you "follow" what your fellow domainers are telling you 100%(excluding my inforum friends offcourse...lol) you might end up in a ditch. And no its not relative! the market is standardizing and facts are being established in an industry that has lived on the "relative" factor for a long time. Good luck.
For the past 2-3 weeks, I have been mostly busy with work, and recuperating. Within those days so many things have changed.

LLL.IN domains are so difficult to come by especially premiums. I would say that $500.00 is the average reseller price for an ALL premium LLL.IN domain. The premium price does not include 3-letter common words. For those I think 1000-1500 is the going reseller price. Ofcourse if you have all three repeating letters, I expect the reseller price to be around $2,500-$4,000

Double premiums tend to command different reseller price. I agree with everyone above that it would $50+. But based on quality of double premium, the range is very broad and can go between $50 - $500
For the past 2-3 weeks, I have been mostly busy with work, and recuperating. Within those days so many things have changed.

LLL.IN domains are so difficult to come by especially premiums. I would say that $500.00 is the average reseller price for an ALL premium LLL.IN domain. The premium price does not include 3-letter common words. For those I think 1000-1500 is the going reseller price. Ofcourse if you have all three repeating letters, I expect the reseller price to be around $2,500-$4,000

Double premiums tend to command different reseller price. I agree with everyone above that it would $50+. But based on quality of double premium, the range is very broad and can go between $50 - $500

I hope your recuperation is going smoothly brother. Despite being "away", your analysis is still on point. Nothing more to add from my end..
Ofcourse if you have all three repeating letters, I expect the reseller price to be around $2,500-$4,000

Considering only 26 of these exist....and I have personally reached out to each of those owners, if you can find me one for $5,000 I am a buyer.

Some asking $20K non-negotiable...


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