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Recently bought this.
Kind of a fan of i prefix geos so I wanted this one pretty badly, since Mumbai is the most populated city on earth, and all....

Anyway, I'm fairly knowledgeable when it comes to geo development strategies, but I haven't ever full-scaled a meaningful India name before, so I'd love to hear tips/tricks/pointers from those who have. Since I cannot court direct advertisers (being thousands of miles away, and all ;) ), I'll probably have to verticalize using various affiliates.

Thanks in advance

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It's a nice domain.

The best paying affiliates for this sort of thing are generally travel affiliates. Especially as you don't live there, I'd concentrate on making it a tourist portal.

Good luck with the development!
i agree with Jeff. In addition to that, you may also add info (Infomumbai= imumbai??) on resturants, shopping, theaters, Accommodations which every mumaiker will look in to.
Good name! Good luck to you
like Jeff said, Travel portal/blog will be the best way to start.
get some original content and start slowly. the most important thing is having fresh new content at least once a week.
As for monetizing - I would start with Google Adsense, and take it from there.
Yeah, this one's been added to the resale portfolio. Had intended on developing it, but caught up in many other projects and this one is low priority.

We've contacted a few people who've expressed interest in it. One of the problem with India domains is that the offers- when they come- are just so ridiculously low...

Either way, it's not going anywhere below a certain price point. If no interest from the buyers, we'll develop it into an earning enterprise, probably app related.
please never sell it cheaply, its a killer 'i' domain with huge potential.
wait 5-10 years if you have to....its worth the wait


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