How to Check If a Website is Hosting Malware?


New Member
One way to check if a website is hosting malware is to use the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page.

You'll need to replace "" with the url you want to check. Google will then provide a malware status report for that website.

If you're checking your own site and learn that it has been injected with malware (unfortunately, it does happen :mad:), then once you've removed the malware you should request a review of your site via Google Webmasters Tools.

Can anyone recommend similar tools that check for malware?
has happened to me before..contacted my webhost and sorted it out was pretty quick to remove it from their list and my site was up and running (without malware) in no time..
Google has not visited this site within the past 90 days. Does it mean tat google has stopped crawling .. but when I check cache:mysite it shows last cached day as 4th july
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Google has not visited this site within the past 90 days. Does it mean tat google has stopped crawling .. but when I check cache:mysite it shows last cached day as 4th july

Hello vikas1234, Perhaps Google uses one spider to cache a website and another spider to search for malware? This is just a guess on my part - I don't know for sure...
Thanks for the link!

In the middle of the right hand column, it looks like SiteAdvisor has a website check for hosted malware that is similar to Google Safe Browsing.
Sucuri Sitecheck is one service that I know. They do the basic malware check for free.

I think in future such site check may not be needed but many people would be doing that if the host is not offering such service. I guess having plugin such as sucuri or the jetpack can be a good option. As it helps solves the issues with the website with malware.


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