How do i get back the domain i transferred in sale which turned into a scam?


New Member
Well, one of my friend was involved in a sale where we first transferred the domain (no site files) and waited for money. The guy never paid up - i had past transaction with him which went smooth so we agreed on this method of sale.

He doesn't respond now; or, if he does he says he will do it later and all such crap stories!

The domain was registered with namecheap and we asked them to get the domain back in my friends account and they just said they cant do anything since it was transferred with our knowledge. We should have used their marketplace to deal with sale of domains, they can only help if marketplace was used.

Do you guys know of any other method or any authority/agency (ICANN etc) who can help us get back the domain? We are determined to get the domain back since the site is pretty good and we do not want to loose it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, this should be a lesson for all of us - use your registrars marketplace to deal with buying/selling of domains.
Getting the domain name back is very easy but registrar require to cooperate with you ..........

No matter what extension you have ?

We always alerted about such sale in past post on this forum and even we helped our (Mitsu) clients to recover their domain name in such cases , after all we are always here to help our all loyal clients that is why we also started the escrow so you can securely move the domain name and in case of any fraud registrar is always here to help you.

Some registrant donot understand the value of their portfolio and they move domain name here and there for just 10 to 20 cents but they failed to see the benefits of remain with us:

1. We always stood for our client if INDRP or any other legal issues arises....
2. We help you to safely deal for your names.
3. For loyal clients our doors are always open for registration of drop domains.

You can still get back your domain name if your registrar wants.......if they donot cooperate then PM us ...if you are Mitsu client provide us with your Mitsu id...
Hi Mitsu,

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, domain is with namecheap and they are not willing to take any action. They just say since the transfer was done by the owner we cannot do anything. We provided them with all the logs to prove our claim but they are just being ignorant.

Not sure what to do now!
If this is a any domain name other then the .In then see this link :

Unauthorized Transfer of Domain Name

and if same is .IN then PM us we will try our best to help you. But if your registrar wants then he can raise the dispute to help you but it seems that they also have some interest in that.........Can you provide who is the gaining registrar ? and Can you expose that fellow on this forum so others will not get cheated ? if possible provide the domain name so everyone will know the name and nobody will deal with such frauds...

Hi Mitsu,

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, domain is with namecheap and they are not willing to take any action. They just say since the transfer was done by the owner we cannot do anything. We provided them with all the logs to prove our claim but they are just being ignorant.

Not sure what to do now!
Well, we did it namecheap account to namecheap account. And, it was not unauthorised. We just did not get paid for the domain.
Then same is become more easy to call back the domain name ? Registrar can ask the current holder to prove the ownership claim and he will not be able to do the same so you will get the domain name back, just file complaint with ICANN you will get back your domain name (if .com domain name),

Well, we did it namecheap account to namecheap account. And, it was not unauthorised. We just did not get paid for the domain.


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