
Thanks! A lot of time and expense has gone into developing this site and I was going to push forward with the monetization of it so that I can produce some excellent income streams from it but I just don't have the time anymore to do that as I am concentrating on launching another .IN very shortly which is going to take up every single waking hour of everyday once it is launched.

I also need extra funds to help launch my new .IN site, therefore I thought that I would pass this one on to someone whom can do it justice and push it forward into a great little earner! The type in traffic is great and increasing everyday on this!

I am actually selling the site for less than I invested into it, including purchase of name and all of the immense development costs. But only letting it go as need the funds into my new project…..FILES.in……coming soon! :)

Site is great, but why don't you monetize it yourself?


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