Article about Indian Internet Economy (from The Hindu)
350 million by 2015, I will gladly take that.

Have seen numbers of only 10 million with high speed broadband connection, if that goes upto 50 million, that will be superb. Its good that the Government is recongnizing the value of this and projecting..we'll see.
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The Executive Summary of McKinsey says :

"The Internet accounts for 3.4 percent of overall GDP in the 13 nations studied. More than half of that impact arises from private consumption, primarily online purchases and advertising."

Online purchase trends are growing rapidly in India. Public sector banks are already gearing up to enable the fast increasing numbers of online shoppers in the Tier II, Tier III cities across India and a good number of shoppers from small towns too, to shop through NetBanking.

The number of people accessing the internet through their smartphones are expected to more than double to about 190 million by 2015!

Things are only warming up in India, as currently, most of the state governments are busy getting their acts together to put the infrastructure in place across the key Tier II and Tier III cities to fully e-Enable them well before the end of this decade.


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