Coding Library Overheads?


I've begun to avoid using coding libraries after finding some issues with conflicting libraries, or a Wordpress site that ran slowly because Wordpress and its plugins were loading four versions of the entire JQuery library (for effects that basic Javascript can handle in three lines). Has anyone found ways to get round this that don't involve rebuilding plugins from the ground up?
No. Not as of yet. Keep trying though, as this coding student would be interested in what you find. I'm finding that coding can be a simple thing if a person keeps it that way.
Everything you said just went over my head. I tried learning how to code, but it was so slow that I've made the decision to outsource all my coding for my website for now.
These days I am planning to reduce such bloat. And instead try to reduce the load as much as I can. That way you can find out how the coding libraries can be used instead. I think if we minimize the load then that can surely help as well. I so far don't use much jquery bloat. As that seems to be one reason for slow down.


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